Sunday, September 21, 2008

What Next in the GAM Saga?

The upcoming September 30 Board Meeting will address the GAM situation, which is turning out to be a total fiasco for the County. It's too bad, because the money Polk County has blown on legal fees would have gone a long way toward running the facility. Nevertheless, it is what it is, and we have to move forward from here.
My feeling is that the deal that was struck with Rice Properties was a sweetheart arrangement for Rice Properties. It was never in the best interests of the County, the residents, or the employees of the Golden Age Manor.
As our population ages, the services offered by the Golden Age Manor become increasingly important.
If Rice Properties could operate the Golden Age Manor at a profit, is there any reason why Polk County cannot operate the facility to break even? We don't expect the nursing home to turn a profit and help reduce our taxes, do we? We don't expect the Sheriff's Department to show a profit, or the Highway Department.
When Jim Drabek, a concerned citizen, brought the matter of the deed restriction to the attention of the County Board, he was treated disrespectfully and essentially ignored. I guess Mr. Drabek got the last laugh with the Appellate Court decision last week.
Gene Sollman also deserves credit for hanging in there in the face of some pretty vocal opposition on the Golden Age Manor Board. He did the right thing for Polk County.

1 comment:

Rick Scoglio said...

This has been a diaster for all of Polk County from the start. There is no sense is repeating the fact that the county's biggest mistake (and Amery's) was not selling to the hospital when it was desired and valuable.
Nothing, I repeat, absolutely NOTHING can operate under government control as efficiently as under private ownership! If 2/3 of the board do NOT vote to sell GAM, then the future is all too clear. Closing!
THAT will NOT be in everyones best interest.