Monday, October 20, 2008

Health Care Referendum on the Ballot!

Polk County can send a message to Madison on November 4 that affordable health care for all must be a priority NOW! Cast your "Yes" Vote on the Health Care Referendum.
The Referendum does not specify exactly which health care plan should be adopted. The Referendum simply tells our legislature that health care must be their number 1 priority, and that they should get to work immediately to find a way to provide affordable health care for Wisconsin residents.


Mission Statement said...

I'm glad to see this question on the ballot. It's too bad it hasn't been the topic of much discussion in our local papers. Let's hope it passes.

Rick Scoglio said...

Unfortunately, this is simply just another meaningless feel good political measure

Mission Statement said...

I'd call it a meaning*ful* feel good political measure.

Politicians need to know they have the support of a significant number of their constituents before sticking their necks out and supporting something that might be controversial. That's the value of this referendum (if it passes).

I haven't yet reached the level of cynicism where I view such efforts as "meaningless". I'm close, but I'm not there yet!